Mind Unbound Private Coaching for Traders – 3 Week
I help traders find success & fulfillment by creating a clear path to profitability! (Without expensive tools & services, blowing accounts, emotional trainwrecks)
Content: I’m right there with you every step of the way, every trade, for 3 weeks. Reviewing trades, correcting mistakes, and holding you accountable to the goals we set out.
- Here’s how I identify & close the holes in your trading strategy in under 3 hours (Without relying on expensive tools, signals or following “gurus”)
- Kickoff Extended Session Call (90 minutes)
o Deep dive into your specific trading flaws
- Solution specific Action Plan
- 1x weekly 1 on 1 call for 3 weeks
o Trade review & Market strategy
o Corrective action assignments
- Bonus: Mind Unbound Course Access
o Access to in-depth emotion management strategies
o Direct access to Aaron for custom solutions that fit you
Program outline: Never make the same mistake again!
- Diagnosis & Clarity // Accountability
- Trading Journal – Implementation & Review
- Mapping Emotional Volatility
- Daily Market Trading Plan – Design & Habituation
- Correcting Flaws with Mindfulness/Visualizations
- Probabilistic Thinking & Fear Modulation
- Risk Management 101
- Execution Strategy
- Sleep, Diet, and Optimal Mental Performance